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Understanding NIH Grant Numbers
The grant number is composed of the following parts: Example: 5 R01 HL123451-01A1
Application Type Code (5)
Activity Code (RO1)
Institute Code (HL)
Serial Number (123451)
Support Year (01)
Suffix Code (A2)
Application type is the first digit on an application identification number:
Type 1 — New — provides PHS support for a new research project grant.
Type 2 — Renewal — extends a project period that would otherwise expire for one or more grant budget periods; applications are peer reviewed and compete for funding.
Type 3 — Supplement, a.k.a. administrative supplement — adds funds to a grant without peer review.
Type 4 — Extension — provides time and funds beyond recommended levels.
Applies only to MERIT and Small Business Innovation Research Fast Track applications.
Type 5 — Noncompeting continuation — continues support in the out years of a grant; does not compete for funds.
Type 6 — Change of grantee — transfers a grant when one organization buys out another, also called successor of interest.
Type 7 — Change of grantee — transfers a grant from one institution to another.
Type 8 — Change of NIH institute — transfers a grant from one institute to another.
Type 9 — Change of institute — continues support for grant transferred from one institute to another.
Activity code is the 3-digit identifier of an award type, e.g., R01 is a research project grant. Activity codes are grouped together to form funding mechanisms. The major mechanism series are:
F — fellowships
K — career development awards
N — research contracts
P — program project and research center grants
R — research project grants
S — research-related programs (equipment etc.)
T — training grants
U — cooperative agreements
Y — interagency agreements
More information on the major funding mechanisms can be found on the Web:
Institute code letter code indicates the primary funding institute (more & more awards will be shared, but only the primary IC is incorporated in the grant application number). The serial number is assigned by the Center for Scientific Review (CSR).
Serial Number is assigned by the CSR. This number provides a unique identification to the project and is assigned sequentially for newly submitted applications. The Serial Number remains the same for as long as a project is active, even when the PI submits a competing continuation for a new period of support.
Support Year indicates the current year of support (for example, 01 is a new grant).
Suffix Code is used for supplements, amendments, or fellowship institutional allowances. The Suffix “A1” indicates that the application was submitted once previously but did not receive a sufficiently strong priority score to merit funding. This application is an amended version of the original one also called a “resubmission.” Other suffix terms are also used. For example, “S1” refers to a competing supplement request for a currently funded project.